Eclectic, cross-genre mood reader (but of late, mostly erotica, romance & para/UF—including m/m & ménage). At times, the realities of life & work tend to dictate how UNreal a world I choose for an escape.
Fair warning: I may walk like a lady but I cuss like a salty sailor. ^.~
... and I think that I need some of the more experienced GR users to help me figure it out. Y’all up for the challenge? OK...
Per GR’s last run of top reviewers, I apparently wrote 186 reviews in one week.
*jaw drops*
Thus, I’m currently sitting pretty as #3 top reviewer at GR.
Woo-hoo!! *breaks out rusty club moves*
But wait...
When the FECK did I write these 186 reviews?!!
More importantly, if I’m the current #3 top reviewer, then...
why have some of my reviews―which either occupied the top or near-top position on the applicable book pages―suddenly *dropped* in position or disappeared from the first page altogether?
W...T...F...? Shouldn’t my mind-blowing #3 status cause my reviews to *rise* in the Community Review listing? Or at the very least, stay in the same position??
Ignorant as I am, the only thing I can come up w/ is that GR is fiddling behind the scenes w/ some members’ reviews and ‘tweaking’ (read: loading the die) w/ its algorithm. Anyone have a better explanation? ’Cause I'm completely baffled by what my friend pointed out to me.
etc: for clarity; to correct earlier mistake (186 reviews, not 187)