
Karma♥Bites’s Mercurial Reads

Eclectic, cross-genre mood reader (but of late, mostly erotica, romance & para/UF—including m/m & ménage).  At times, the realities of life & work tend to dictate how UNreal a world I choose for an escape.

Fair warning:  I may walk like a lady but I cuss like a salty sailor. ^.~


Currently reading

How to Howl at the Moon
Eli Easton
Progress: 23 %

Lisa Henry, M. Caspian

Joey W. Hill

Amelia C. Gormley
Progress: 57 %

The 7th Woman (Nico Sirsky, Chief of Police)
Frédérique Molay

Intimate Enemies - Joan  Swan CR/suspense... FREE @ Smashwords until May 31st (code: YK94N)

Just got this Ammy freebie. Don't normally go for this type of storyline anymore but it sounded promising and something about the cover pose and female model...

[bc:His Teddy Bear|10835316|His Teddy Bear|Eve Langlais|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1300716815s/10835316.jpg|15749434] EUREKA!